Irish Setters
... ardour, elegance and pureness ...

Main features
- firm and wide-ranged pursuit
- supple and firm setting
- athletic, distinguished with soft and kind expression
- lively, intelligent, energetic, affectunate and loyal
- excellent small, enabling him to spot game anywhere
Eventhough Ireland's pride, his origins are french, spanish and macedonian.
First seen in the 17th century. It's an english breeder in the 19th century that interbreeds him with the English Setter and the Gordon Setter.
He obtaines his consistent red colour by selection starting the 18th century.
The dog is a real sport, noble with a friendly expression. Intelligence, adaptability, sturdiness and endurance are the qualities that enable this athleet to perform the task he was created for: hunting. This setter excels just as well in the open field as in the woods and the marshland. He won't really get used to city life, only the countryside fits him well. He needs to spend an enormous amount of energy for physical and psychological balance.